Please be advised this baggage deal is available only if you have booked a seat with a baggage component. The deal does not apply to the Basic Economy flights that have no check in baggage.
The deal also does not extend to international flights
In September 2011, The Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN) and Virgin Australia announced a new initiative aimed at addressing the ongoing problems musicians face when travelling with musical equipment.
The Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN), Virgin Australia is offering the music industry a baggage allowance of 32kg (across three pieces of checked baggage) for individual artists – with an additional 32kg able to be purchased in advance for just $15.
This baggage allowance is available on Virgin Australia-owned and operated domestic services only and must be booked or pre-purchased at least 48 hours prior to departure. This offer applies to all new bookings and cannot be provided in retrospect, and Virgin Australia will not refund normal baggage charges already paid.
This special offer is available to musicians who are financial members of the FAA.
The information and booking procedure to obtain clearance for your instruments on Virgin Airlines can be found here. You will also need to quote your Membership ID#