Our friends at Listening Through The Lens music website have just returned from the 45th Port Fairy Folk Festival which was held 11 to 14 March.
You can read their review and take in some fresh images by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.
by FAA Board
Our friends at Listening Through The Lens music website have just returned from the 45th Port Fairy Folk Festival which was held 11 to 14 March.
You can read their review and take in some fresh images by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.
by FAA Board
by FAA Board
Brisbane-based folk quartet Asleep At The Reel have recently released a fine album Time and Tide, a collection of original songs celebrating Celtic and Australian folklore.
You can read A FULL REVIEW at our partner site Listening Through The Lens.
Official band site HERE
by FAA Board
As only 2023 dates had been published, last newsletter we reported that the Illawarra Folk Festival was not proceeding in 2022. We are pleased to advise that organisers of the event have now revealed that the 2022 will take place in a different part of the year than normal. Put 13 to 15 May in your calendars!
FULL LIST OF 2022 AUSTRALIAN MUSIC FESTIVALS at our partner website Listening Through The Lens.
In 2023 the Illawarra Folk Festival dates are 19 to 22 January.
by FAA Board
FAA’s partner organisation music website Listening Through The Lens has recently published the first iteration of a list of Australian music festivals for next year (a range of music genres).
The article includes around 400 festivals in all. As of October 2021, just over 110 of those events have published dates for 2022, representing just below 30% of the total. Given that many events occur in the second half of the year, there will be a delay in 2022 dates being announced. Overall, it seems to be a positive sign that live events will be returning in significant numbers next year (given no other public health (impacts).
State-by-State, events with announced dates are Victoria (41), NSW (29), Queensland (19), Tasmania (10), SA (6), WA (4), NT (2) and ACT (1).
At the time of its publication, only two events have definitively advised that they will not be proceeding in 2022 – Ten Days On The Island (Tas) and Illawarra Folk Festival (NSW).
Details of these events are updated monthly.
is the peak national body representing folk cultural activity and the folk industry of Australia. We are a membership organisation that provides an information resource and networking, showcase and professional development opportunities for the Australian folk community.
Provides discounts for industry insurance and website building. Members can also actively participate in the Australian Folk Music Awards
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